Coastal AgroBusiness, Inc.

Coastal AgroBusiness, Inc.



About Us

With over 60 years experience in the crop production industry, Coastal AgroBusiness has earned the trust of our customers by consistently providing quality products, reliable solutions and unparalleled service. We are a full-service agricultural solutions provider serving growers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Eastern Tennessee and Northern Georgia.

Our #1 purpose is to help growers improve their crops’ health and maximize their yields.

We distribute a complete line of crop protection products, seed and seed treatments, and fertilizer. We work closely with worldwide and regional agricultural manufacturers to offer our customers the most effective products available.

We develop, produce and market our own line of highly effective spray adjuvants, tobacco sucker controls, nutritional and bio-nutritional products.
We specialize in custom built application and material handling equipment.

Our parts and equipment department offers precision farming tools and service, and is stocked with agricultural pumps, spray tips, hoses, controllers, replacement components, accessories, safety products and more.


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